Invest in LMS

We are thankful to live in a community of such generous, caring people who enable us to carry out our mission of revitalizing Historic Downtown Lovington. In 2015, Lovington MainStreet hosted 11 special events during the course of the year and logged over 1,400 hours from our amazing volunteers. We netted 7 new businesses and 19 new jobs. Twelve building rehabilitations or remodels and three business expansions have taken place downtown, with nearly $400,000 in private reinvestment. With the digital equipment upgrades at the Historic Lea Theatre, streetscape improvements, and demolition work in preparation for the new Judicial Complex, downtown Lovington received over $1 million in public reinvestment funds last year! We have welcomed several new members to our Board of Directors, Committees and volunteer base this year, and look forward to a prosperous 2016. Our list of Annual Events include Smokin’ on the Plaza Championship Cook Off, Live on Love Street Concert Series, Halloween on the Plaza, Downtown Holiday Decorating, and Christmas on the Plaza/Light Up Lea County.

If you would like to sponsor a particular event, check out our EVENTS page!

As a supporter of Lovington MainStreet and its programs, you will demonstrate that the revitalization of Historic Downtown Lovington is a priority to you and the community as a whole. We would like to thank you in advance for your support which will enable our organization to continue offering great events and services to the community. This year we have various opportunities for you to help Lovington Mainstreet. You can choose a Community Partner Package, sponsor a particular event, or volunteer your time. Lovington MainStreet is a 501(c)3 charitable nonprofit organization. Contributions are tax-deductible.

Be a part of all the positive changes in our community!
If you are interested in volunteering, please contact us at or by calling (575)-396-1418.     

If you would like to donate, simply click the donate button.
If you prefer to help by sponsoring a particular event, see the Events page for more info.

Community Partner Program
Want to help Lovington MainStreet? See here for all the different opportunities.